KU got kicked in the teeth.
The previously undefeated Jayhawks should feel humbled if not ashamed to lose so magnificently to a "rival" so historically bad they barely deserve the label. kstate (which is never capitalized) stole KU's pride in a schoolyard fight after boasting promises/threats of victory, then knocking the Jayhawks to the ground. Does one victory in a quarter century make it a rivalry? Well, it does now.
At the beginning of the school year, if I could have asked for one victory for football and basketball, they would have been wins against mizzou at Arrowhead and kstate at Bramlage. How ironic that KU would ultimately lose both games AND that those supremely damaging losses would be our only ones all year. Hats off to our rivals, who rose to the occasion when it truly mattered, leaving KU with very impressive one-loss seasons, but- oddly enough- no bragging rights.*
*...except, of course, for the bragging rights KU owns in virtually all other areas indicative of institutional excellence.
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